Oxford Insight Weeks

Student Enrichment Programmes

Oxford Insight Weeks is a student enrichment programme created by Homecamp Education, a student services company endorsed by UCL (University College London) and an activity provider for the Duke of Edinburgh Awards.Oxford Insight Weeks are 7 to 14-day programmes hosted at Oxford University and dedicated to providing students with an authentic learning experience, enabling them to gain true insight into what it is like to study a variety of subjects at university and beyond!

Programme Types


15-day residential activity-packed Oxford Insights Summer School suitable for students aged 12+.
7-day residential, academically intensive Oxford Insight Weeks are suitable for students aged 16+.
2-day optional residential, more relaxed Oxford Insight Weekends are suitable for students of all ages.

Programme Types


1 to 2-hour Oxford Insight Online webinars invite guest speakers from around the world to deliver talks about their careers and academic journeys, providing students with accessible, interesting and bite-sized insight into subject areas of interest from the comfort of their homes.
Past webinar topic: Choosing Medicine

Learning environment

World-Class Facilities

All our face-to-face programmes are delivered in Oxford University colleges, its spin-out companies, and world-leading research labs. Students interested in STEM subjects can have close contact with cutting-edge technology like 3D Bioprinting, cancer screening and early diagnostics tools and transportation of cellular products.

Oxford Insight Weeks

Project Work

In the Oxford Insight Weeks programmes, during the day students are split into small groups to work on real, ongoing research projects led by Oxford University PhDs, which they present to each other at the end of the week.

Oxford Insight Weeks

Activities & Excursions

In the afternoon and evenings of the residential programmes, students enjoy their free time or participate in a wide range of activities and excursions accompanied by Oxford University students.

Teaching Team

Experienced Tutors

All students will be taught by Oxford University PhDs who are passionate about their projects, lecturers who are keen to share their knowledge, and researchers who are excited to communicate with students about their cutting-edge and innovative work.

Insight Week Tutor Specialties

Oxford DPhil Biology.
Oxford DPhil Zoology.
Oxford DPhil Engineering Science.
Oxford DPhil Maths & Biology.
Oxford DPhil Oncology & Cancer Biology.
Oxford DPhil Biomedical Engineering & Freeze Drying.
Oxford DPhil Maths & Computational Number Theory.

insight week tutor projects

Cybersecurity and cryptography.
Rapid diagnostic kit for COVID-19.
Rapid viral testing devices with array capabilities.
Rapid device to identify antimicrobial profiles.
Rapid test development for zoonotic & veterinary diseases.
Mathematical models of advanced cell culture systems for pharmaceutical drug development.

Living Arrangements

Oxford University Colleges

To give students a truly immersive experience, we offer accommodation, full-board (all meals) and a variety of activities held in one of Oxford University's many beautiful colleges. Throughout the residential programmes, students will be provided with all-around pastoral care and support from our experienced student services team.


Parents & Schools

"This programme gave us a clearer picture of how university life is, and how it connects to future careers." - Parent"The programme was very thorough and was very appealing to students like ours. They looked at other programmes online but could not really find a comparable." - School


Students & Tutors

"The best part of the programme was visiting the lab and getting to know what it is like to be a PhD and work as a lab researcher." - Student, 16"I'm glad they enjoyed my session, and I enjoyed their questions - it was very fun and interesting!" - PhD Tutor

registration and enquiries

Register Online

Click the link below to sign-up directly via our online application form.

Enquire More

Get in touch with us to find out more information about our curriculum, get advice about travel and visa requirements, and any other queries you may have!


Who are the programmes for?
Our current programmes are suitable for students aged 12-18 from all over the world who have an interest in STEM subjects. The programme is suitable for students who are looking to challenge themselves academically and gain valuable experience in their chosen field.
What are the benefits of participating?
Students will have the opportunity to gain valuable experience in their chosen field, learn from world-class tutors, engage in hands-on practical activities, and work with experts in the industry. The projects that students will work on can serve as a foundation for further research or as the basis for their Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) project. The EPQ is a qualification that allows students to conduct independent research on a topic of their choice, which can be valuable when applying to universities.
Will there be a certificate upon completion?
Students who complete the 7-day and 15-day residential programmes will receive a certificate of completion which outlines their outcomes, skills and knowledge gained during the programme.
Do I need a visa to apply?
If you are a non-UK resident and plan to attend our programmes, you may require a visa to enter the UK. The specific visa requirements depend on your country of origin, the purpose of your visit, and the length of your stay. However, since the maximum length of our programmes is only two weeks in duration, you may be eligible to apply for a short-term study visa. Get in touch with us for support on this matter.
What is the cancellation policy for the programme?
We understand that circumstances can change, and we want to ensure that our refund policy is fair and reasonable for all participants. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the refund policy, please do not hesitate to contact us.
15 days before the start of the programme: a full refund will be provided, minus any bank transfer fees incurred.
14 to 7 days before the start of the programme: a 50% refund will be provided, minus bank fees.
7 days before the start of the programme: no refund will be provided.


Is this just another summer school?
Oxford Insight Weeks go beyond the traditional summer school model. Our project-based programme provides a truly unique and enriching educational experience that emphasises depth over breadth of knowledge, and that instils a love of learning that can last a lifetime. We believe in the values of the super-curriculum and emphasise the importance of developing critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills in addition to academic knowledge. Our programme is not about covering a lot of ground quickly, but rather about taking the time to explore topics in-depth and develop a deep understanding of key concepts.
What are the accommodation arrangements?
In our residential programmes, students will live and receive 3 meals a day at an Oxford University college. The accommodation is within walking distance of the teaching and learning facilities, and if travel is necessary then students will be transported to and from the location in our private minibus.
What does the daily schedule look like?
The daily schedule of the programme includes lectures, tutorials, practical sessions, and group projects in science, biomedicine, and biotechnology. Students will also have the opportunity to attend talks by guest speakers and visit Oxford University research facilities.
What are your safeguarding and insurance policies?
Basic insurance coverage is provided for all students during their time in our programme. Our team are DBS vetted and will be onsite 24/7 to provide support. However, if participants are coming from abroad, they may require additional insurance coverage, such as travel insurance or medical insurance, to ensure that they are adequately covered during their travel to and from the programme.
Are dietary needs, allergies, or disabilities accommodated?
We understand that students may have different dietary needs, allergies, or disabilities that require special accommodations. We make every effort to accommodate these needs and ensure that all participants can fully participate in the program activities.
How can I apply?
Click on the "Register Now" button at the top and bottom of this webpage to fill in the registration form online. Our team will be in touch to confirm with you within 24 hours!

© Oxford Insight Weeks. All right reserved.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


Who are the programmes for?
Our current programmes are suitable for students aged 12-18 from all over the world who have an interest in STEM subjects. The programme is suitable for students who are looking to challenge themselves academically and gain valuable experience in their chosen field.
Are the programmes relevant if I want to study medicine at university?
Acquiring work and lab experience in biomedical engineering will be immensely helpful for students who plan to pursue medicine. Not only does it provide them with practical skills in designing, building and testing medical devices, but it also exposes them to the latest advances in biomedical research. This hands-on experience can enhance their understanding of medical concepts and give them a competitive edge when applying to medical school.
What are the benefits of participating?
Students will have the opportunity to gain valuable experience in their chosen field, learn from world-class tutors, engage in hands-on practical activities, and work with experts in the industry. The projects that students will work on can serve as a foundation for further research or as the basis for their Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) project. The EPQ is a qualification that allows students to conduct independent research on a topic of their choice, which can be valuable when applying to universities.
Will there be a certificate upon completion?
Students who complete the 7-day and 15-day residential programmes will receive a certificate of completion which outlines their outcomes, skills and knowledge gained during the programme.
Do I need a visa to apply?
If you are a non-UK resident and plan to attend our programmes, you may require a visa to enter the UK. The specific visa requirements depend on your country of origin, the purpose of your visit, and the length of your stay. You may be eligible to apply for a short-term study visa. Get in touch with us for support on this matter.
What is the cancellation policy for the programme?
15 days before the start of the programme: a full refund will be provided, minus any bank transfer fees incurred.
14 to 7 days before the start of the programme: a 50% refund will be provided, minus bank fees.
7 days before the start of the programme: no refund will be provided.


Is this just another summer school?
Oxford Insight Weeks go beyond the traditional summer school model. Our project-based programme provides a truly unique and enriching educational experience that emphasises depth over breadth of knowledge, and that instils a love of learning that can last a lifetime. We believe in the values of the super-curriculum and emphasise the importance of developing critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills in addition to academic knowledge. Our programme is not about covering a lot of ground quickly, but rather about taking the time to explore topics in-depth and develop a deep understanding of key concepts.
What are the accommodation arrangements?
In our residential programmes, students will live and receive 3 meals a day at an Oxford University college. The accommodation is within walking distance of the teaching and learning facilities, and if travel is necessary then students will be transported to and from the location in our private minibus.
What does the daily schedule look like?
The daily schedule of the programme includes lectures, tutorials, practical sessions, and group projects in science, biomedicine, and biotechnology. Students will also have the opportunity to attend talks by guest speakers and visit Oxford University research facilities.
What are your safeguarding and insurance policies?
Basic insurance coverage is provided for all students during their time in our programme. Our team are enhanced DBS vetted and will be onsite 24/7 to provide support. However, if participants are coming from abroad, they may require additional insurance coverage, such as travel insurance or medical insurance, to ensure that they are adequately covered during their travel to and from the programme.
Are dietary needs, allergies, or disabilities accommodated?
We understand that students may have different dietary needs, allergies, or disabilities that require special accommodations. We make every effort to accommodate these needs and ensure that all participants can fully participate in the program activities.
How can I apply?
Click on the "Register Now" button at the top and bottom of this webpage to fill in the registration form online. Our team will be in touch to confirm with you within 24 hours!

For more information, feel free to email us at info@oxfordinsightweeks.com or call us on 020 8076 8376 where a member of our student services team will be happy to answer any questions you may have!